


Inner Soul Wellness explores ways to reconnect to our true selves without separating ourselves from the demands of every-day living. We explore this delicate balance through the art of self love and ritual. Topics and practices such as mediation, reiki, yoga, prayer, dance, self-care, as well as other collective and individual healing approaches will be shared on this site. It is our belief with deeper self love and ritual, we can collectively move forward from an empowered space to create true, sustainable change in this world.

Empress Ngala (aka Roxanne Henry, LMSW), the curator of this site, has various offerings that will hopefully support each person or group with tools to cultivate their own true experiences with self love and ritual. You can find the list of the offerings here

Thank you for visiting this site. It is our hope that it is another tool that will support you on this journey called life.


There are various services and offerings available to support individual and groups. Each session, class or workshop is a communal exchange of all involved.

Curated by Empress Ngala, the Inner Soul Wellness blog explores the practices of self love and ritual in Every Day Life.

About Empress Ngala

A social worker with close to 20 years of experience, Empress Ngala blends that knowledge with various teachings she learned along the way. A student of life, she is personally exploring the tenants of self love and ritual and using this to aid her in how to show up in this world.

Inner Soul Wellness

For questions about the services/offerings or to schedule a session:

